Other than that, she’s a real stunner … I love the way the burst follows the shape of the instrument and fades gently into the center color. I know that it’s “vintage correct” for this model, but I really do feel that the Casino does look better with the chrome pickup covers. You could gig with this guitar all night long and never get tired! I was just floored at how light this instrument is! It is an absolute feather-weight and it felt like I was holding a balsa-wood glider compared to what I usually play. All of my non solid-body guitar experience has been limited to semi-hollows with the exception of my Gretsch 5120. To begin with, I have next to no experience with Casinos. A Royal Tan model showed up at the store, and I couldn’t wait to try her out … and snap a few pics for you guys! Today I got my first look and “test-drive” of Epiphone’s 50th Anniversary 1961 Casino Reissue.